Indradhanushi Services

Chairman’s Desk Message

Indradhanushi Services Private Limited, has been conceived to bring engineering professionals under one roof and provide them a flexible working platform. The company has so far focussed on Railway Engineering, Pre-construction Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Traffic Studies and Construction Safety as its business areas and has taken up related projects and gained invaluable experience and credentials. We are open to expanding the business areas depending upon the inclination of the team members. Very recently, a very eminent artist Mr Umesh Kumar Saxena has joined our team and the company has included Art in its core area of business.

In keeping with the present times, the company has adopted a hybrid model of working. Our senior professionals can work from the comfort of their homes while the company’s young executives build and maintain a strong network of clients, vendors, and associates across the country. The company is especially attractive for young professionals who are rich in creativity and enthusiasm but need guidance and support to channelize their energy. It is envisioned that the young professionals would form the core of the organization and provide impetus to the company, whereas senior professionals, by their experience and wisdom, would show direction and keep the company away from harm’s way. Accordingly, the company is run by a young CEO, Mr Anam Hasib. In two years of his stewardship, he has infused new energy and enthusiasm in the company. We look forward to the association of many more young professionals in the leading roles.

The company is run by the Board of Directors who have served the country for decades in responsible positions. It has imbibed in them a strong sense of honesty, fair play and dedication which are an essential part of the Company’s ethical code. Our motto is ‘To stir mind, to add value’.

Subodh Kumar Jain